The master’s degree programme in Biorefinery Engineering (BRE) at the Graz University of Technology is subdivided into 8 compulsory modules and two specialization modules, reaching from engineering basics over biorefinery basics to in depth know how of renewable energy and biobased materials. The two specification modules deepen the knowledge in the topics energy use and material use and recovery. In this way BRE will offer a science based, multi-disciplinary oriented curriculum at master level. The BRE programme with a total workload of 120 ECTS credit points comprises four semesters and has the following modular structure:
Module | ECTS |
Total | 120 |
Compulsory module A: Engineering Basics | 13 |
Compulsory module B: Mass and Heat Transfer | 12,5 |
Compulsory module C: Chemical and Analytical Aspects of Biorefineries | 7 |
Compulsory module D: Biorefinery Economic, Ecological and Social Aspects | 9 |
Compulsory module E: Bioresources | 9 |
Compulsory module F: Biorefinery Technologies | 6,5 |
Compulsory module G: Biorefinery and Energy Systems | 6 |
Compulsory module H: Biorefinery Project | 7 |
Elective module: “Energy Utilisation” or “Material Utilisation and Recovery” | 14 |
Free-choice subject | 6 |
Master’s thesis | 30 |
Download the Curriculum Biorefinery Engineering
Ass.Prof. Marlene Kienberger Univ.Prof. Wolfgang Bauer
Tel.: +43 316 873 7484 Tel.: +43 316 873 30750
marlene.kienberger[@] wolfgang.bauer[@]