The M.Sc. Curriculum “Biorefinery Engineering” (BRE) has been developed by 15 partners from the BioEnergyTrain project. The curriculum is implemented at the Graz University of Technology in Austria, and it has a clear engineering focus. The master program will provide the education to understand problem alongside the value chain of bioresources in European regional contexts and to optimize resource utilization within the framework of a bioeconomy. The aim of the program is to scientifically educate professionals to analyse, develop, manage and innovate existing process route in an European regional context. Further the master`s program provide tools for the identification and the development of new technologies in the context of bioenergy and biobased materials as well as cascaded raw materials use. The curriculum is multidisciplinary based and oriented combining knowledge and skills of biology, chemical-, electrical, process and mechanical engineering, business development and economics and supply chain management and innovation. Industry will be involved in teaching in lectures as well as in the above mentioned innovative teaching formats.