Two BET European master’s programmes and Students Camps to follow-on after project finalisation
BET Final Conference, Brussels, 9 April 2019
The BET Consortium organised its Final Conference with participation of the European Commission and 30 partners in Brussels, 9 April 2019. The two-master’s programmes on Biorefinery Engineering BRE and Bioresource Value-Chain Management BVM would continue after the project finalisation as stressed by the two Rectors from TU Graz (AT) and UTwente (NL), Harald Kainz and Thom Palstra, at the opening of the event.
TU Graz had launched an extensive marketing campaign, which showed positive results as student numbers were growing. The BET Consortium confirmed to carry on the successful Student Camps in the following years (UTwente 2020, LNEG 2021, and TU Graz 2022) with sponsoring from industry. In addition, TU Graz would conclude bilateral agreements with all lecturers for future teacher mobility facilitated by Erasmus funds. The lessons learnt from the project were compiled into a publication entitled ‘Theory and Practice of European Education and Training for the Support of Energy Transition’ soon to be published in the Springer open access Journal Energy, Sustainability and Society.
This final conference that presented the results from four-years of cooperation (2015 – 2019) was animated by BET Coordinator Brigitte Hasewend, Director of eseia with active participation of the BET WP leaders Wolfgang Bauer (TU Graz), Maarten Arentsen (UTwente), Joan-Marc Joval (InnoEnergy), Christian Sakulin (EAS) and Anna Gabbert (eseia), as well as by Manuela Conconi INEA project Officer and EAB member Lidia Borrell-Damian from the European University Association EUA-EPUE. Josef Fürlinger BRP General Manager RIC, and Paul Demmelmayer, BRE master student also contributed to the panel discussion by providing industry and the academic perspectives, respectively.
Contact person:
Anna Gabbert, BET Project Manager, e-mail:
More information:
UTwente Thom Palstra statement