eseia is currently working to secure the funding of the open Horizon2020 call on “Research, Innovation and Educational Capacities for Energy Transition”, LC-SC3-CC-5-2018. The EnergyTrain Plus (ETP) proposal, aimed at developing new skills and expertise for the evolving energy sector, will build on the experience of the BioEnergyTrain (BET) Project to provide a balanced interdisciplinary approach to the education and training of the next generation of researchers and engineers.
In order to meet the needs of the market, EnergyTrain Plus will focus on the development of modules and programmes that cover the whole energy system, including the fields of renewable energy, energy storage, smart and flexible energy systems, and carbon caption utilisation and storage (CCUS). Therefore, eseia will work to identify knowledge gaps and build technology and knowledge chains with partners all over Europe, bringing alive a network of networks that integrates research, industry, and education with stakeholders operating in each regional context.
The EnergyTrain Plus proposal is expected to be submitted by 6 September 2018.